Learn about the town’s lore from neighbors for fun surprises. So pack a picnic basket and cross-stitch hoop, and head down to the pub to hang with the locals.
There should be a quick install process and the game should be playable.Delight in the quaint charm of The Sims™ 4 Cottage Living Expansion Pack* with animal friends, garden-to-table meals, and a close-knit community. Once this completes you can go to the games library in Origin, click "Origin" in the top left of the app then "Reload Page". However you would need to install the game on the 2nd system. This indicates you have a system with a CD drive, and you can move the files across. There should be a quick install process and the game should be you mention trying to copy files with a USB stick. Within the Origin Games folder you can now overwrite the new The Sims 4 folder with the version from your USB stick. You can cancel this immediately, we just wanted the process to start so that it would create a default install path, which is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games. Now back on your son's system log into Origin and start the install. If there's not enough space you can move the components across piecemeal, as long as the folder winds up with the same contents after the transfer. Once it completes you can close Origin, then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games (or wherever you installed to) and copy the whole The Sims 4 folder onto the USB stick. There will be some patching/updates at the end so this could still take a while.
Log into your son's account and you should see The Sims 4 there. You can use the discs to install the game on this machine now, it should save on download time and data usage.
I'm assuming the product code is already redeemed on your son's account? If not, do so now, and install Origin on the system with the CD drive.